Tuesday 2 September 2008

Friday 29 August 2008

Cereal Killer - An open letter to a motherfucking penis

Dear Motherfucking Penis,

You are a complete prick, you ate my bran flakes!!! what am i meant to have for brekkie now??? no doubt it was washed down with Ron's emergency schloer.

You have left me brokenhearted.

Friday 15 August 2008

Penis Map

It is evidently possible to create a map of England, based solely on the layout of a penis. Buckinghamshire is rubbish, Berkshire rocks, and Cardiff is cum.


It's the weekend

It's the weekend, so the three eyes odd horse has some advice "Don't be a motherfucking penis"

You are a motherfucking penis if:

  • you eat with your mouth open

  • you shout in the street

  • you hang around in a large group of men

  • you walk down the street with your hand down the front of your trousers (seriously, what is that about?)

Monday 11 August 2008

Emergency Schloer Missing - MotherFuckingPenis is prime suspect

11/08/08 - is the date that Ron's emergency schloer was to go out of date. Apon looking for said beverage, it appeared that it had been stolen. Ron said "I can't believe this has happened, i needed its grapey goodness, this is clearly the work of a motherfucking penis."

Friday 8 August 2008


Steve Ronaldson, attackee to a motherfuckingpenis just one week ago, has unveiled a motherfucking labrador sparrow!!

A dog in the hand...

Saturday 2 August 2008

Motherfucking Penis Attack!

A motherfucking penis was reported to have initiated an unprovoked attack on Mr Steve Ronaldson on Thursday night.

Illustration attached!